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Risk information Past performance is no guarantee for future performance. Fund units may go up or down in value and investors may not get back the amount invested.

High Yield select 1 SEK Dist

Focuses exclusively on high-yield corporate bonds, which have a slightly higher risk level and therefore a somewhat higher yield.

About the fund

Carnegie High Yield Select invests in bonds issued by Nordic companies. The fund focuses exclusively on high-yield corporate bonds, which have a slightly higher risk level and therefore a somewhat higher yield.

The investments are never made in a specific sector, country or currency and the analysis always starts with, and selects, companies that the portfolio managers want to invest in; companies that they have confidence in for the long term.

The average term to maturity of the Carnegie High Yield portfolio is 3-5 years, by may periodically be longer or shorter. The fund is traded on a daily basis and unit holders are not locked in. In order to always offer good liquidity, parts of the fund are invested in highly liquid assets. All holdings in foreign currencies are hedged against Swedish kronor so that unitholders avoid any currency risk.

Fund manager

Niklas Edman

MSc Business Administration. Employed since 2013 and has worked in the industry since 2007.

Fund manager

Daniel Gustafsson

BSc in Business Administration. In the financial industry since 2016 and employed since 2018.

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  1. Past performance is not a reliable indication of future performance, as markets may develop completely differently in the future. The information may help you assess how the fund has been managed in the past.
  2. This unit class was launched 2017-11-02.

sustainability-related disclosures

The information below is presented in compliance with EU Regulation 2019/2088 Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).